JADE .NET Assembly Public Keys

JADE .NET assemblies are signed. Each release uses the same public key token for its assemblies, but they have different versions, as shown in the following table.

Build/Configuration PublicKeyToken
Release_Ansi|x64 4ffc2b9eb5630e47
Release_Unicode|x64 b5033a0291fb93d9

An example of the app.config file is as follows.

    <section name="joob" 
        JadeSoftware.Joob, Version=, Culture=neutral, 

An application run with this example app.config file requires JadeSoftware.Joob.dll with an assembly version of and signed with the Release_Ansi|X64 key.

Hot fix versions of JadeSoftware.Joob.dll (and so on) are released with the same assembly version as the initial consolidated release (for example, but the file version indicates the hot fix number. Your assemblies, therefore, do not need to be rebuilt when a hot fix is installed but they must be rebuilt when a subsequent consolidated release is installed.