Exposing JADE Classes

You can use .NET to write the application-related components of your system and access JADE database-related components. The approach consists of the following steps.

  1. Use JADE to define the classes for your .NET application.

  2. Define a .NET exposure and generate C# source files as the starting point for building the application. For details, see "Using the C# Exposure Wizard", in Chapter 18 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide.

    The C# class definitions contain the properties and methods defined in the exposure that are required to access them in the JADE database.

  3. Use the generated C# Visual Studio project file (or create your own) to build a Dynamic Link Library (assembly) that contains the proxy classes.

  4. Add a reference to the assembly, generated in the previous step of this instruction, to your own project.

  5. Add instructions to your .NET code relating to JADE connection, JADE class access, and transaction control.

  6. Build and run your .NET project.