Maintaining a Property in the Export Package Browser

You can maintain the attributes of a property selected in the Properties List of the Export Package Browser if you want attributes of a property in the exported package to differ from those of the property in the schema from which the package was built.

To maintain a property in the exported package by using the Export Package Browser

  1. In the Properties List of the Export Package Browser, right-click on the property whose attributes you want to view or change and then select the Change command from the popup menu that is then displayed. (Alternatively, select the property and then select the Change command from the Properties menu.)

    The Exported Property Options dialog is then displayed.

  2. In the Access group box, select the appropriate type of access if you want to change the type of access to the property. As you cannot export protected properties, this access type is not displayed.

    Select the Public option button if you want the property to be read and modified by any other method in the schema. (A property that has public access is displayed in the Properties List of the Export Package Browser with a spherical icon to the left of the property.)

    Select the ReadOnly option button if you want the property to be read by other methods in the schema but not updated. (A read-only property is displayed in the Properties List of the Export Package Browser with the read-only spectacles icon to the left of the property.)

  3. Click the OK button to update the property attributes. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

For details about using the Export Package Browser to view and maintain classes in an existing exported package, see "Browsing and Maintaining an Exported Package", earlier in this chapter.