Extracting a Package

You can extract an exported package or an imported package as part of the schema in which it is defined or imported. Alternatively, you can extract only the package itself. For more information about extracting and loading packages, see "Extracting and Loading Package Schemas", earlier in this chapter.

To extract an exported package or imported package only

  1. In the Export Packages Browser or Import Packages Browser, select the package that you want to extract.

  2. Select the Extract command from the Packages menu.

    The standard Save As dialog is then displayed.

  3. Change the default file path and names, if required, and then click the OK button.

    By default, your package is extracted as .scm and .ddb or .ddx files prefixed with the name of your export or imported package; for example, DemoNotificationsPackage.scm. This file is extracted to your JADE working directory by default; for example:


For details about extracting an exported package as part of the schema in which it is defined or an imported package as part of the schema into which it is imported, see "Extracting Your Schema", in Chapter 10 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide. However, you should first consider the caution under "Extracting and Loading Package Schemas", earlier in this chapter.