Defining the Package

The Define Package sheet of the Export Package Definition Wizard, shown in the following example, is displayed when you first access the wizard.

To define your exported package

  1. In the Package Name text box, specify a name for the exported package that is unique within the current schema (that is, it cannot be the same as that of another exported package or imported package in the schema).

  2. In the Select Schema group box, select the Superschemas Up To option button if you do not want your exported package made up only of classes or features in the current schema.

    In the drop-down list box, select the highest superschema in the hierarchy whose classes and features are also to be available for selection. You are also selecting the highest superschema in the hierarchy whose application is available for section in the following step.

  3. In the Select Application drop-down list box, select the application in the schema that is to be instantiated when the package is opened at run time. This enables you to perform specific initialization and finalization logic when a package is initiated and terminated, respectively.

    When the application is instantiated, its initialization method is invoked and when it is terminated (when the process using the package terminates), its finalization method is invoked.

    If you require specific initialization or finalization logic to be performed, you can define a new application with the required methods and specify this as the exported package application.

  4. In the Package Description text box, enter descriptive free-format text for your exported package, if required. This may be useful to help a package importer determine which package to import if there are several packages that have similar names.

  5. Click the Next > button when you have defined the package you want to create.

    Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections and close the wizard.