Creating a Working Set of Classes

When you have defined the package that you want to create and clicked the Next > button, the Create a Working Set of Classes sheet of the Export Package Definition Wizard is then displayed, as shown in the following image.

The Available Classes list box contains all of the user-defined classes in the current schema (and superschemas, if applicable), with the exception of RootSchema subschema copy classes, classes whose access is not Public, and subclasses of the Application, Global, or WebSession class.

Classes that are not available for selection are disabled (for example, classes imported into the schema as these cannot be exported). From this list, select the classes that are to make up the working set of the exported package.

The Working Set of Classes list box contains the classes that you have selected for inclusion in your exported package working set. Classes that you select for inclusion in the working set are displayed in green in the Available Classes list box.

You must explicitly select each class for inclusion in the exported package. As no indirect exportation is assumed, exporting a class does not automatically export its superclass or subclasses.

To locate a class

That class is then displayed in the Available Classes list box, with the class hierarchy expanded, if applicable.

To select the classes for your package working set, perform one of the following actions

The selected classes are then automatically copied to the Working Set of Classes list box and are displayed in green in the Available Classes list box. You can select a class once only. An attempt to select a class that is already included in the working set has no effect.

Classes are added to the Working Set of Classes list box in alphabetical order and they do not have a class hierarchy once they are selected for inclusion in the working set. Your selections are not finalized until you click the Next > button. Before you click the Next > button, you can reverse any of your selections by removing them from the Working Set of Classes list box.

To remove classes from the working set, perform one of the following actions

The selected classes are then automatically moved from the Working Set of Classes list box to the Available Classes list box, where they are restored to the original class hierarchy and are displayed in black.

Click the Next > button when you have selected all classes for inclusion in the package working set. Alternatively, click the < Back button to redisplay the Define Package sheet or the Cancel button to abandon your selections and close the wizard.