
Transaction tracing enables you to capture information about persistent objects that have been updated, created, or deleted within a transaction. You can also optionally register properties that will have information captured when they are updated.

Transaction tracing information is placed in a transient instance of the JadeTransactionTrace class associated with the current process. This instance is created, if it does not already exist, when the startTransactionTrace method of the Process class is called.

You can register callback methods to be invoked just before a transaction commits. These callback methods can report on and analyze the changes that have taken place within the current transaction.

You can clone or copy a JadeTransactionTrace object to a non-shared transient instance, by using the copySelf or cloneSelf methods, respectively. This enables you to retain tracing information from previous transactions.

When cloning or copying, the myProcess reference is not set up. To obtain this reference, use the getEntry and getEntryCount methods on the cloned or copied object.