Displaying the Call Stack for Failed Methods

To display the call stack for failed methods

This command determines whether the unit test is paused and the call stack is displayed when a unit test fails on assert.

A check mark is then displayed at the left of the menu item, indicating that the call stack is displayed for the failed test during a unit test run. When the call stack window is closed, the unit tests resume.

To toggle the display of the call stack for failed messages, select the Debug on Assert command again, to remove the check mark and run all of the unit tests without pausing.

You can also double-click on a failed method in the Results pane, to display call stack information, as shown in the following image.

The value of this command is saved in the DebugOnAssert parameter in the [JadeUnitTestRunnerUI] section of the JADE initialization file. This parameter is read and used when the application is next initialized.