Using the Unit Test Runner Form

You can run unit tests by selecting the Unit Test command from the Jade menu in the JADE development environment. For details, see "Running a Unit Test", in Chapter 4 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide.

The Unit Test Runner form is then displayed, with unit test classes for the current schema and superschemas listed in the Select Tests list box. This list box includes status icons for all selected tests. These indicate whether a test has passed (green tick), failed (red cross), or has not been run (blue question mark).

The Unit Test Runner form can also be displayed from code, as shown in the following example.

    dlg : JadeTestDialog;
    create dlg;;

In the Select Tests pane of the form:

The results of the tests are displayed in the Results pane, as shown the following image.

To run tests from the Unit Test Runner form, select the class or test in the Select Tests pane and then click the Run button.

To copy the unit test results to the clipboard, right-click in the Results pane.