Using JCF Commands to Remap Classes and Move Class Instances

Use the class remap and move class instances functionality in the batch JADE Schema Load utility (jadloadb), or the JadeSchemaLoader application in jadclient, jade, or the Application class startApplicationWithParameter method parameter to change class to database file mappings (class maps) and have existing instances moved to match the altered specification in a deployed system.

The operation that moves objects from one database file to another is a special form of database reorganization. Standard operational procedures and precautions recommended when performing a database reorganization therefore apply.

When changing the database file to which a class is mapped, the database file can be defined anywhere within the scope of the current schema or superschema hierarchy; that is, in the schema that defines the class or in any user superschema.

The main characteristics and benefits of this functionality are:

Although you can execute the MoveInstances process online, the files involved are write-locked and not available for updating during the move operation.

The specification of a remap and move instances task entails the creation of a command file comprising specification commands and a final command that triggers the execution of the MoveInstances process.