Inspecting an Entity in the Latest Schema Version

To inspect details of the latest version of a schema entity

  1. Right-click the entity in the Display Version Info window table whose latest version information you want to view.

  2. Select the Inspect command from the popup menu.

    The Schema Inspector form for that entity is then displayed. The title bar of the form states the entity whose latest version you are inspecting. The list at the left contains an entry for each property defined in or inherited by that entity, or line of code in a method.

  3. To examine a component, select the component in the left-hand list. The details for that component are then displayed at the right of the Schema Inspector form.

If the current property is a reference or a collection, you can double-click on it to open a new Inspector form for that property. This enables you to "drill-down" through your references and collections.

You can inspect the edition or time an object was created, by clicking …edition or …creationTime, displayed beneath ***Object*** in the Object List at the left of the Inspector form.

For details, see "Using the Inspector Form", in Chapter 6 of the JADE Development Environment User's Guide.