Extracting a Specific Web Service Consumer

From the Web Service Consumer Browser, the Extract command from the Consumer menu enables you to extract an individual consumer document.

To extract a Web service consumer

  1. In the Web Service Consumer Browser, select the consumer subclass that you want to extract.

  2. Select the Extract command from the Consumer menu. The Web Service Consumer Extract dialog is then displayed.

    The schema file name defaults to the name of the Web service consumer selected in step 1.

  3. In the Schema File Name text box, change the Web service consumer schema file name prefix, if required.

    Alternatively, if you want to extract the Web service consumer to an existing file or you are unsure of the existing file name or location, click the Browse button. The common file Open dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file or location, if required.

  4. Check the Encrypt Sources check box if you want to encrypt the JADE method source code in your extract file.

    By default, extracted source code is not encrypted; that is, this check box is unchecked. Source encryption provides security when you release schema extract files, as the source code is not easily visible (for example, when you deploy an application to a third-party). For details, see "Encrypting Schema Source Files", in Chapter 10 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide.

    Ensure that you extract the encrypted schema to a location different from that of your source schema.

    If you subsequently load the encrypted schema (for example, for testing purposes), your method source code is lost if you load it into the same database that contains your original source files, as they are not saved during the decryption process.

  5. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

A partial definition schema (.scm) file is then extracted to the specified directory or to the current directory if you do not specify a directory.