Stopping and Starting Server Applications in Secondary Systems

When the instantiation of a versioned schema with or without structural changes is replayed on a secondary database, applications using that schema are stopped and user sign-on is disabled. After the transition phase has completed, server applications specified by the ServerApplication<application-number> parameters in the [JadeAppServer] or [JadeServer] section of the JADE initialization file are started and user-sign-on is enabled.

However, not all changes to classes on the primary system require the schema to be versioned; for example, if a change is made to a class that does not have persistent instances and does not take part in a Relational Population Service (RPS) mapping. This scenario involving a non-versioned schema is considered in further detail in the remainder of this section

Applications that could potentially use the class must still be stopped and restarted so that they can use the new definition of the class. Applications that could not possibly use the class (for example, an application run from a superschema of the schema in which the class is defined) are not stopped.

When a number of schema loads have changed class definitions but have not required the schema to be versioned, applications are stopped on the secondary system to prevent outdated class definitions being used.

In the absence of a transition phase to identify the end of the sequence of schema loads, that point can be identified and the server applications started and user sign-on enabled in either of the following ways.