SDSTransaction Dynamic Object Type

The SDSTransaction dynamic object type has a name attribute value of SDSTransaction and a type attribute value of SDS_TransactionType (4).

The dynamic attributes for this transaction object type are listed in the following table.

Name Type Description
startTime TimeStamp Time at which the transaction started
status Integer Transaction status (see the following table)
statusText String Descriptive text that is displayed for the transaction status
transactionID Decimal Identifier of the transaction
userName String Name of the user

The values of the transaction status attribute are represented by one of the SDSTransactionStates category global constants listed in the following table.

Global Constant Integer Value
SDS_TranDeferred 3
SDS_TranInDoubt 8
SDS_TranInterrupted 2
SDS_TranNormal 1
SDS_TranPrepareToCommit 6
SDS_TranReadyToAbort 7
SDS_TranReadyToCommit 5
SDS_TranWaitingAuditCommit 4

The only value of interest to most users will be SDS_TranInterrupted. When there are active transactions in an interrupted state, read access to persistent objects is not permitted.