JadeDatabaseAdmin Methods

The JadeDatabaseAdmin class provides the methods summarized in the following table, which you can call to monitor and control SDS operations in an SDS-enabled system.

Method Description Valid at …
getReasonTrackingStoppedString Returns a string containing a textual description of the SDSStopTrackingCodes global constant reason code Anywhere
sdsAuditStopTracking Specifies a number that is returned in the userInfo parameter of your user notification method when an SDS_TrackingStopped event occurs Anywhere
sdsDisablePrimaryConnection Disables a connection from the current secondary database to the primary server Secondary only
sdsDisablePrimaryConnectionAt Disables a connection from a specified secondary database to the primary server Primary only
sdsDisableReadAccess Disallows read-only database access to this secondary database Secondary only
sdsDisableReadAccessAt Disallows read-only database access at a specified secondary database Primary only
sdsEnableReadAccess Allows read-only database access to this secondary database Secondary only
sdsEnableReadAccessAt Allows read-only database access at a specified secondary database Primary only
sdsGetDatabaseRole Returns the database role of the current server for the JADE system Anywhere
sdsGetDatabaseSubrole Returns the database subrole of the current server for the JADE system Anywhere
sdsGetMyServerInfo Obtains an array describing the SDS attributes of the JADE system Anywhere
sdsGetSecondaryInfo Obtains an array containing the SDS attributes for a specified secondary system Primary only
sdsGetSecondaryProxies Obtains an array of secondary proxy dynamic objects Primary only
sdsGetSecondaryProxy Obtains information about a specific secondary proxy dynamic object Primary only
sdsGetTransactions Obtains an array of transaction dynamic objects on the current secondary system Secondary only
sdsGetTransactionsAt Obtains an array of transaction dynamic objects on a specified secondary system Primary only
sdsInitiateHostileTakeover Initiates a hostile take-over by the executing secondary system Secondary only
sdsInitiateTakeover Initiates a negotiated take-over by a specified secondary system so that server becomes the primary system Primary only
sdsIsInitialized Returns true if SDS is initialized for the system Anywhere
sdsIsRunning Returns true if SDS is running for this system Anywhere
sdsReconnectNow Prompts the secondary database to attempt a reconnect to its primary server Secondary only
sdsReplayNextJournal Initiates a replay of the next ready journal on a secondary database when journal replay is suspended Secondary only
sdsReplayNextJournalAt Initiates a replay of the next ready journal on the specified secondary database when journal replay is suspended Primary only
sdsResume Resumes a replay of the next ready journal on a secondary system when tracking is enabled Secondary only
sdsResumeAt Resumes a replay of the next ready journal on the specified secondary system when tracking is enabled Primary only
sdsStartService Starts an SDS on the system’s database server Primary only
sdsStartTracking Starts tracking on the current secondary database Secondary only
sdsStartTrackingAt Starts tracking on a specified secondary database Primary only
sdsStopService Stops an SDS on the system’s database server Primary only
sdsStopTracking Stops tracking on the current secondary database Secondary only
sdsStopTrackingAt Stops tracking on a specified secondary database Primary only

For details, see Chapter 1 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.