Inter-System Event Notifications

Use the sdeCauseEvent and sdsCauseEvent methods of the Object class for inter-system event notifications. The sdeCauseEvent method combines the actions of the causeEvent and sdsCauseEvent methods, in that subscribers are notified of user events on the local system as well as on SDS secondary or primary systems, where applicable.

In contrast, the causeEvent method would notify subscribers of a user event only on the primary database system and the sdsCauseEvent method only on the secondary database systems.

The two role-dependent usage scenarios for the sdsCauseEvent method are as follows.

Calling the sdsCauseEvent method with the immediate parameter set to true is applicable only on secondary databases. An exception is raised if you call this method on an SDS primary or on a non-SDS database.

The actions of the sdsCauseEvent method are summarized in the following table, which lists the contexts in which the event is caused.

Database Role Transient Target Object Persistent Target Object, Immediate Persistent Target Object, Deferred, in Transaction State Persistent Target Object, Deferred, not in Transaction State
Undefined Ignored Exception Local system Exception
Primary Ignored Exception Secondary system Exception
Secondary Ignored Primary system Immediately to primary system Immediately to primary system

The actions of the sdsCauseEvent method are summarized in the following table, which lists the contexts in which the event is caused.

Database Role Transient Target Object Persistent Target Object, Immediate Persistent Target Object, Deferred, in Transaction State Persistent Target Object, Deferred, not in Transaction State
Undefined Process only Local system Local system Local system
Primary Process only Primary system Primary system and secondary Primary system only systems
Secondary Process only Secondary system Secondary system and immediately on the primary system Secondary system and immediately on the primary system

See also "Causing an Object Event", in Chapter 2.