Appendix B    Attribute Type Storage Sizes

The storage size for each attribute type is listed in the following table.

Type Size
Boolean 1 byte
Byte 1 byte
Character 1 byte for ANSI, 2 bytes for Unicode
Embedded binaries Schema-defined size + 2 bytes
Embedded strings Schema-defined size + 3 bytes
Embedded StringUtf8 (Schema‑defined size x 4) + 2 bytes
Date 4 bytes
Decimal 3-12 bytes (depending on precision)
Integer 4 bytes
Integer64 8 bytes
MemoryAddress 12 bytes
Point 8 bytes
Non‑embedded Binary Large Object (blob) 8 bytes
Non‑embedded String Large Object (slob) 8 bytes
Non‑embedded slob UTF8 8 bytes
Real 8 bytes
Shared reference 12 bytes
Time 4 bytes
TimeStamp 8 bytes
TimeStampInterval 4 bytes
TimeStampOffset 4 bytes

Unbounded binary and string attributes (referred to as blobs and slobs) are stored externally to normal object records.