Backing Up Your JADE Development Environment

In the JADE environment, you can backup your JADE development environment from a client workstation without having to sign off all users or bring down the server node.

You can perform online backups of your JADE development environment when the database is active for both read and write access.

When restoring a database backed up fully online (that is, the database was available for both read and write access at the time of the backup), the restore process requires the recovery of backed up transaction journals.

Alternatively, you can perform an online database backup with the database locked for write access so that records can still be read, although not updated. For details about the JADE initialization file parameters that enable you to configure your backups, see "Persistent Database Initialization Section [PersistentDb]", in the JADE Initialization File Reference.

To backup your database

  1. If you are currently running JADE, select the Logoff command from the File menu.

    You are then logged off, and the JADE sign-on dialog is then displayed.

  2. Select the Administration option button from the Select Options group box, to specify your installation preferences.

    The JADE Installation Preferences dialog is then displayed, which enables you to specify the global options for your JADE development environment work session.

  3. From the Admin menu, select the Backup Database command.

    The Backup Database dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  4. In the Backup Directory text box, specify the path of the directory to which your database files are to be backed up, as shown in the following example.


    You must specify a directory that is valid on the server. If it does not exist, it is created. Alternatively, click the adjacent browse button (indicated by the … points of ellipsis symbol) to display the common Browse for Folder dialog that enables the selection of the backup directory in which the backed up database files will be located.

  5. In the Backup Mode group box, select the Quiesced – Read Only option button if you want a quiesced read-only backup operation. By default, the Online - Updating Allowed option is selected, indicating that updates are allowed while the backup is performed. For details, see "Online Full Backup", earlier in this chapter.

    When you select this option, the database is placed in a quiescent read‑only state while the backup is performed. For details, see "Online Quiesced Backup", earlier in this chapter.

  6. Check the Exclude Frozen Files check box, to exclude frozen (read-only) database files from the backup. By default, this check box is unchecked.

  7. Check the Exclude Frozen Partitions check box, to exclude frozen (read-only) database partitions from the backup. By default, this check box is unchecked.

  8. Check the Compress Files check box, to compress files as they are backed up. By default, database files are not compressed.

  9. Check the Overwrite Existing Files check box, to overwrite any existing files in the specified destination backup directory as the database is backed up. By default, existing files are not overwritten.

  10. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

When the backup is complete, the Backup Complete dialog is then displayed. Click the OK button to return focus to the JADE Installation Preferences dialog.