Running the JADE Database Administration Utility

The jdbadmin program, installed with your JADE software, enables you to automate the JADE Database Administration utility by running it in batch mode. You can use this utility, for example, to enable the partitioning of a database file or to perform an online backup of selected files in multiuser mode. Run the JADE Database Administration utility (for example, from a command script), specifying the following.

jdbadmin action=Backup|ListDbFiles|FreezeSchemaFiles|ThawSchemaFiles|

Commands have the following syntax.

            Backup             backupDir=file-directory [backup-arguments]ListDbFiles
ListDbFiles        ListDbFiles
FreezeSchemaFiles  FreezeSchemaFiles
ThawSchemaFiles    ThawSchemaFiles
Compact            Compact [workers=number-of-workers 
ListParts          ListParts file=file-name
MakePartitioned    MakePartitioned file=file-name [method=method-name]
                   [modulus=integer-value] [updatesAllowed=true|false]
SetFilePath        SetFilePath file=file-name filePath=file-directory
ActivateDeltaDb    ActivateDeltaDb [server=multiUser]
DeactivateDeltaDb DeactivateDeltaDb [timeout=maximum-number-of-seconds]
                  [server=multiUser] FileOrPart-Command Certify|FreeSpace [files=file-name1,file-name2,…| file=file-name [part=partition-id]] | Freeze|Thaw file=file-name [part=partition-id] Partition-Command MarkOffline|MarkOnline|PurgePartition|RemovePartition file=file-name part=partition-id | MovePartition|SetPartitionLocation file=file-name part=partition-id location=file-directory SetPartitionLabel file=file-name part=partition-id Label=label-name
StartSnapshot      [server=multiUser] EndSnapshot        [server=multiUser]

Backup command arguments have the following syntax.


Standard database operation information is output to stdout and error information is output to stderr. For details about displaying and redirecting the output from JADE batch utilities, see the DisplayApplicationMessages, LogServer, and UseLogServer parameters under "JADE Log Section [JadeLog]", in the JADE Initialization File Reference.

Database administration actions are logged in the activity log.

If the jdbadmin executable program fails, a non-zero exit code is returned and an error message is displayed; for example, if the database directory was invalid.