Parsing Tokens

Code fragments (snippets) are in rrmsg.log lines prefixed with parsing tokens. The rest of the line is the generated code fragment. Multiple‑line fragments are punctuated with \n where line feeds should be.

Some of the more‑common parsing tokens are listed in the following table.

Token Description

Contains the name stem of a new method, usually of the format form‑name‑acronym_method-name; for example, methodName=CN_lstTest_dblClick. The final method name also includes a prefix with an acronym of the generated class name, a sequence number, and a variant indicating whether it is a validation or a modal method.

This causes a method break; any subsequent code goes into the next method. This is usually generated for all click and dblClick event methods, as these actions are most likely to cause transactions, which require the pause afterwards for the transaction to take place.


Source of the new method, matched one‑for‑one with the methodName= token. These can be multiple line, using \n for line feeds.

This source forms the end of the method. Any saved source is inserted at the top of this method.

methodSaveSource= Source to be included in the next method; that is, the code is needed, but a method break is not required.
referenceName= Reference names to be included as class attributes.

Method variables to be included at the top of the next method.

These are most commonly used with getPropertyValue or getControl methods, to hold a reference to a control that was not painted on an inherited form.

startModal= A modal form was loaded.