Selecting the Patch History Information Displayed for a Class, Type, or Method

To select the patch history criteria that is displayed for the current class, primitive type, or method

  1. Hold down the Shift key and simultaneously select the Show History command from the Classes, Types, or Methods menu.

    The Show History dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

    By default, all JADE system versions and all patch number versions are displayed for the current class, primitive type, or method.

  2. If you do want to display all JADE system versions and the patch number versions, perform one of the following actions.

    • Select the Current Version and Current Patch Number option button.

    • Select the Selected Versions option button.

      The JADE system and patch number versions that are applicable to the current schema are then enabled in the list box. Select one or more JADE system and patch number versions whose histories you want to view. If a JADE version has no patch number set for that version, a zero (0) is displayed following the JADE system version; for example,

  3. In the Date From text box, specify the starting date from which JADE system and patch number version changes are to be displayed; for example, 03/07/2000 or 03JULY2000. Enter the date in the ddMMMyyyy format.

    If you do not specify a value in this text box, the search for changes to the current class, primitive, or method starts at the earliest timestamp; that is, the first date on which the class, primitive, or method was changed.

  4. In the To text box, specify the date up to which JADE system and patch number version changes are to be displayed; for example, 31/10/2000 or 31OCTOBER2000. Enter the date in the ddMMMyyyy format. If you do not specify a value in this text box, the search for changes to the current class, primitive type, or method ends on the current date.

  5. If you want to display JADE system and patch number version changes for a specific developer only, specify the full user identifier (user id) of that developer in the Developer text box of the Selection Criteria group box. If you do not enter a value in this text box, the changes to the current class, primitive type, or method by all developers are displayed.

    You can enter only one developer user identifier in this text box. You must specify the full user id (for example, wilburadmin). An abbreviated user id (for example, admin) is not valid and would result in nothing being displayed.

  6. Click the OK button to initiate the patch history display. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

Each patch version change that satisfies any specified search criteria is then displayed in the table in the lower portion of the Summary of Patches window. Nothing is displayed if no patch history matching your selections exists.

For details about using this window, see "Using the Summary of Patches Window", earlier in this chapter.