White Papers > Developing a Backup Strategy White Paper > Developing a Backup Strategy > Synchronized Database Service

Synchronized Database Service

The Synchronized Database Service (SDS) is the name given to the optional software service in a JADE system that keeps one or more secondary databases automatically synchronized with a primary database.

SDS automates the otherwise‑manual processes of maintaining a standby database server, which can be used if the primary database is taken offline for routine maintenance, becomes damaged, or is lost entirely.

SDS provides several management interfaces, including an API, JADE initialization file parameters, and the JADE SDS Administration utility that presents a graphical user interface for monitoring and controlling an SDS environment.

You can synchronize secondary databases to a journal file boundary or to a journal block boundary within the current transaction journal, as specified in the JADE initialization file [SyncDbService] section SyncMode parameter, which you can set to JournalSwitch or to JournalBlockWrite.

A JADE Synchronized Database Environment (SDE) combines loosely connected and geographically dispersed primary and secondary databases into a robust, easily managed disaster recovery solution. It is a superior data recovery solution compared to backup and recovery from tape, which is generally incapable of meeting high‑availability recovery time objectives. JADE’s SDS facility provides hot standby secondary databases, which you can use for both disaster recovery and for offloading query workloads.

For further details, see the Synchronized Database Service (SDS) white paper and the JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Administration Guide.