White Papers > Developing a Backup Strategy White Paper > Developing a Backup Strategy > Don't Be Afraid to Ask For Advice

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Advice

The administration of databases was once the domain of specialists. It is a different world today, and JADE is more than just a Database Management System (DBMS). You can be its administrator.

The decisions you are required to make when formulating, implementing, and proving your strategy might seem daunting at first.

As you become more familiar with the concepts and the mechanics of the processes involved, you will find that while you have to be particular and correctness is important, database administration isn’t too difficult.

The strategy decisions you are making are data‑based in that it is the nature of the data in the database and your attachment to that data that drives your decisions.

It is for this reason that you might implement different strategies for different databases in your organization.

Then again, for the sake of simplicity, you may decide to treat your smaller and less business‑critical databases in the same manner as your primary business database because it makes operational sense, piggy‑backing on the primary backup strategy.

Every set of circumstances is different.

If in doubt, ask the people who make JADE, by contacting your local JADE support center or JADE Support if your JADE licenses include support. Alternatively, see the JADE Forums (https://forums.jadeworld.com).