Product Information > JADE Web Application Guide > Chapter 3 - Configuring Web Applications > web_services_consumer element

web_services_consumer element

The web_services_consumer XML element contains the following attributes.

You can repeat the web_services_consumer element to specify configuration information for a number of Web services consumers. The special name global is used for configuration information that applies to all Web services consumers. Only settings that need to be changed are defined in a specific consumer section.

In the following example, there is configuration information that applies globally to all Web services consumers, specific configuration information for WebConsumer1, and specific configuration information for WebConsumer2.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <web_services_consumer schema="WebSchema" name="global" id="">
        // configuration info applying to all consumer applications
    <web_services_consumer schema="WebSchema" name="WebConsumer1" id="">
        // configuration info specific to WebConsumer1
    <web_services_consumer schema="WebSchema" name="WebConsumer2" id="">
        // configuration info specific to WebConsumer2

The id attribute is used to enable the same Web services consumer to be run with different configuration settings. In the following example, the application WebConsumer can be run with the id="200" configuration settings or the id="300" configuration settings.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <web_services_consumer schema="WebSchema" name="WebConsumer" id="200">
        // configuration info specific to WebConsumer run with id "200"
    <web_services_consumer schema="WebSchema" name="WebConsumer" id="300">
        // configuration info specific to WebConsumer run with id "300"

The following shortcut runs the WebConsumer application with the id="300" configuration settings.

jade.exe path=d:\webapp ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=WebSchema app=WebConsumer endJade id=300