Product Information > JADE Web Application Guide > Chapter 3 - Configuring Web Applications > Elements in the Application Configuration File

Elements in the Application Configuration File

The XML elements in the application configuration file are described in the following subsections.

jade_config element

application element

web_config element

connection_name element

application_copies element

protocol_family element

session_timeout element

minimum_response_time element

disable_messages element

output_maximum_length element

log_file_name element

disable_logging element

lock_retries element

prompt_on_shutdown element

firewall element

monitor_font element

base_uri element

protocol element

machine_name element

virtual_directory element

support_library element

jade_forms element

physical_directory element

maximum_HTML_size element

scrolling_text element

show_modal element

cross_browser element

form_style element

use_html4 element

web_events element

control_name element

image_type element

page_sequencing element

html_documents element

home_page element

html_page_sequencing element

web_services_provider element

read_timeout element

use_session_handling element