Product Information > JADE Web Application Guide > Chapter 1 - Implementing Web Applications > Application Class Methods

Application Class Methods

The Application class provides methods that you can reimplement in your applications; for example, so that messages are displayed on Web browsers to advise users of Web session events. These methods are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
executeMethodNotFoundMessage Returns a default HTML string to a Web browser user when the method specified for execution cannot be found or it is invalid
createSessionErrorMessage Returns the message displayed on Web browsers when a Web session cannot be created
getCurrentSession Returns a reference to the WebSession object of the specified Web session identifier
getCurrentSessionId Returns a string of up to 16 characters that identifies the current Web session
getSessionTimeout Returns the Web session timeout value specified for the application
htmlPageNotFoundMessage Returns the error message that is sent to the receiver when the requested page for the Web application is not found
invalidWebSessionMessage Returns an HTML string that is to be displayed on the Web browser when a session is invalid
licencesExceededMessage Returns the message that is displayed on Web browsers when your licences have been exceeded
minimumResponseTimeExceededMsg Returns a default HTML string to a Web browser user when the maximum wait time or a response is exceeded
removeSessionMessage Returns the message that is displayed on Web browsers when your Web session ends
setSessionTimeout Dynamically sets the period in minutes at which the Web session ends if no requests have been received within that time
setStatusLineDisplay Dynamically changes scrolling text displayed in the Web browser status line
timedOutSessionMessage Returns the message that is displayed on Web browsers when your Web session times out