Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 9 - Defining ODBC Inquiry Relational Views and Ad Hoc Indexes > Adding a Relational View

Adding a Relational View

Add a relational view to the current schema from the Relational menu in the Relational Views Browser.

You cannot add a relational view with the same name as an RPS mapping to a schema.

To add a relational view

The Relational View Wizard is then displayed.

For details, see the following subsections.

Naming Your Relational View

Specifying Relational View Options

Selecting Classes and User-Defined Tables for Your Relational View

Setting the Root Class

Setting the Default Included Object Features

Setting the Visibility of Protected Features

Setting the Visibility of Derived Tables

Refining the Visibility of Class Features

Renaming Tables and Columns

Building Your Relational View