Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 7 - Using the JADE Debugger > Controlling Debugger Execution

Controlling Debugger Execution

The Run to Caret and Run to Return commands in the Debug menu enable you to specify where and when you want the execution of your code to pause.

To execute your code up to the line containing the caret, perform one of the following actions

If the next expression in the current line of code is a method call, the debugger displays that method, to enable you to view execution of the method.

If the caret is not positioned on an expression in a line of source code, execution runs to the first expression following the caret position.

To run execution until the current function returns to its caller method, perform one of the following actions

The debugger executes to the line in the calling method in which the method was called, unless a breakpoint is encountered earlier.

Use the Run To Return command when you have accidentally single-stepped into an expression that you do not need to debug or when you have determined that the current procedure works to your satisfaction and you no longer want to step slowly through the rest of it.