Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 6 - Using the Object Inspector > Using the Options Menu

Using the Options Menu

If more than one user uses the same JADE initialization file on the client, they will share the same values for parameters in the [JadeInspector] section.

To save the current position and size of the form

This information, which is used to position and size any subsequent Inspector forms that are displayed, is stored in the WindowPos parameter in the [JadeInspector] section of the JADE initialization file.

To replace the saved position and size with the default position and size

When the next Inspector form is opened, the default position and size will be used.

To specify the font used to display text in the Inspector window

The common Font dialog is then displayed, to enable you to make your font selections. When you have selected your required font options, focus is then returned to the Inspector window. This information is stored in the Font parameter in the [JadeInspector] section of the JADE initialization file.