Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 6 - Using the Object Inspector > Using the Inspector Window

Using the Inspector Window

To examine each object for the class

The details for the selected object are then displayed at the right of the Inspector window.

To display the properties of an object

The specified object and any properties defined for that object are then displayed in the left of the Inspector window.

You can display object properties only if the property is an object reference.

If a dynamic property is a reference, double-clicking the property name opens an inspector for that reference. In addition, dynamic property names are displayed in dark blue text.

You can inspect the edition or time an object was created, by clicking …edition or …creationTime, displayed beneath ***Object*** in the Object List at the left of the Inspector window.

To view the values for the current property in the object

The values for the selected property are then displayed in the pane at the right of the window, as shown in the following diagram.

The Inspector window menu bar contains the following menus.