Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 5 - Using the Painter and Form Wizard > Using Form Wizard to Create a Form

Using Form Wizard to Create a Form

Form Wizard enables you to create a form quickly and easily. The Form Wizard helps you to create file maintenance-type forms, where the focus is on the instances of one specific class. A form that you create with Form Wizard is complete in its own right, and can be executed immediately.

The painting of controls and the coding of simple methods associated with those controls are produced automatically. Form Wizard obtains the necessary information to create a form by prompting you for that information. When all required data has been gathered, a screen layout (form) is generated, along with supporting methods.

The methods created by Form Wizard are simple and well‑documented, to enable you to easily customize the methods or to expand the form to be able to access multiple classes.

You cannot use Form Wizard to maintain a previously created form, whether that form was created with Form Wizard or not.