Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 5 - Using the Painter and Form Wizard > Using the Keyboard and Mouse to Edit Your Form

Using the Keyboard and Mouse to Edit Your Form

When the selected form has been loaded, use combinations of keyboard and mouse actions to manipulate the controls on the form.

You can also change details of a control or a group of controls by using the Properties dialog. For details, see "Maintaining Properties for Your Form or Control", earlier in this chapter. For details about changing the type of an existing control (for example, changing a GroupBox control that does not have children to a Frame control), see "Changing a Control Type", later in this chapter.

All controls in the form are made visible and are enabled in the Painter, regardless of the setting of the visible and the enabled properties of each control.

However, a control inherited from a superclass form is disabled, regardless of the setting of the enabled property of that control on the current form. This provides you with a visual indicator in the Painter that you cannot edit the control on the current form, as it belongs to the form of a superclass.

For details, see the following subsections.

Selecting a Control to Edit

Changing the Size of a Selected Control

Selecting Multiple Controls

Changing the Size of Selected Controls

Moving Controls about Your Form

Copying a Control

Displaying the Properties Dialog for a Control

Positioning a New Control on Your Form

Placing a Control on a Container Control

Removing a Control from Your Form

Making Small Positional Adjustments to a Control