Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 5 - Using the Painter and Form Wizard > Size Command
Size Command

Use the Size command from the Layout menu to access a submenu of commands that enable you to standardize the size of your controls. (For details, see "Sizing Your Controls" and "Examples of Laying Out Controls", earlier in this chapter.)

Before aligning and spacing the controls on your form, you may want to make some controls identical in size; for example, button controls. You may also want to standardize the width or the height of other controls.

The Size command also enables you to scale a control so that it fits the current contents of the control and enables you to standardize the size of controls.

To display the Size submenu

The Size command submenu, providing the commands listed in the following table, is then displayed.

Command Toolbar Button Description
Same Width Makes all selected controls the same width
Same Height Makes all selected controls the same height
Same Height and Width Makes all selected controls the same height and width
Standard Size Resizes all selected controls to their default sizes

The Same Width, Same Height, and Same Height and Width subcommands are disabled until you select a group of two or more controls.

When laying out your form, use the Size subcommands before using the Alignment and Spacing layout commands, as the Size subcommands can alter the spacing of your controls.

Same Width Command

Use the Same Width command from the Size menu to standardize the width of two or more selected controls. The controls that you select are assigned a width equal to the selected master control. Width truncation or extension is performed from the right.

To select a group of controls and assign a master control

  1. Click the first control of your proposed group.

  2. While holding down the SHIFT key, click the other controls that you want in your group.

The last control that you select becomes the master control.

To standardize the width of the selected controls, perform one of the following actions

Same Height Command

Use the Same Height command from the Size menu to standardize the height of two or more selected controls.

The controls that you select are assigned a height equal to the selected master control. Height truncation or extension is from the bottom.

To select a group of controls and assign a master control

  1. Click the first control of your proposed group.

  2. While holding down the SHIFT key, click the other controls that you want in your group.

The last control that you select becomes the master control.

To standardize the height of the selected controls, perform one of the following actions

Same Height and Width Command

Use the Same Height and Width command from the Size menu to standardize the size of two or more selected controls. The controls that you select are assigned a height and width equal to the selected master control. Height truncation or extension is from the bottom; width truncation or extension is from the right.

To select a group of controls and assign a master control

  1. Click the first control of your proposed group.

  2. While holding down the SHIFT key, click the other controls that you want in your group.

The last control that you select becomes the master control.

To standardize the height and width of the controls, perform one of the following actions

Standard Size Command

Use the Standard Size command from the Size menu to perform the following actions.

Web form controls that are single-line controls are resized to fit on one line.

The controls that are affected by the Standard Size command are listed in the following table.

Control Height Width
Command button 14 dialog units Accommodates the caption
Option button 14 dialog units Accommodates the caption
Check box 14 dialog units Accommodates the caption
Combo box 14 dialog units Unchanged
Label 14 dialog units Accommodates the caption
Text box (single line) 14 dialog units Accommodates the caption

The height of the controls listed in this table is the default value. You can change this standard height for your application by using the Application menu Change command from in the Application Browser.

To apply the Standard Size command, you can select one control or a group of controls.

To select a group of controls

  1. Click the first control of your proposed group.

  2. While holding down the SHIFT key, click the other controls that you want in your group.

All of the controls that you select in this way are highlighted and form your group.

To resize all selected controls to their default values, perform one of the following actions

The control or group of controls is then resized accordingly.