Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 5 - Using the Painter and Form Wizard > Selecting Captions and Control Names

Selecting Captions and Control Names

The ninth sheet of the Form Wizard dialog enables you to specify captions and names for the controls on your form.

The Form Wizard automatically provides a caption and a control name for each of the features that you selected on the previous sheet. You can accept the automatic names that are provided or you can overwrite them with the captions or names that you require.

The caption is built in the following way.

The control name is built in the following way.

The control name is not displayed on this sheet if you have selected the display of instances in a table, as the table itself becomes the only control on your form.

For details about control name prefixes, see "Defining Control Name Prefixes" under "Creating a Form", earlier in this chapter.