Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 5 - Using the Painter and Form Wizard > Browse Buttons
Browse Buttons

If you have requested the Form Wizard Browse function, a set of browse buttons is automatically set up by Form Wizard, to enable you to browse through the collection of instances. (For more details, see "Using the Generated Form", earlier in this chapter.)

When the form is first loaded, the first instance of the collection is displayed. You can locate other instances by using the browse buttons. If a status line has been included, it displays the relative order of the instance displayed.

If you use the browse buttons after a change has been made to an instance but before a transaction is committed, a warning message is displayed, and you are asked if the changes should be saved or discarded. If you specified the display of multiple instances on a form, browse buttons are not displayed and instances are displayed in a table that automatically includes scroll bars.