Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 4 - Defining Methods, Properties, Constants, and Conditions > Adding a Global Constant Category

Adding a Global Constant Category

The Add command from the Categories menu in the Global Constants Browser enables you to add a new global constant category to the current schema.

The global constant categories enable you to group your global constants into meaningful groups. Global constants provide a more-meaningful representation than simply using literal values.

To add a global constant category

  1. In the Global Constants Browser, select the Add command from the Categories menu. The Define Constant Category dialog is then displayed.

  2. In the Name text box, specify the name of the category that you want to define. The name can contain any letter or number but cannot contain punctuation characters.

  3. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

The specified category is then displayed in the Global Constants List of the Global Constants Browser, to enable you to add global constants to the new category.

The actions that you can perform using the mouse from the Global Constants List window are listed in the following table.

Action Result
Click The global constants provided by the selected category populate the Global Constants List window. The declarations defined for the selected global constants are displayed in the global constants definition pane.
  A selected collapsed node is expanded when a node displaying a plus sign (+) is clicked, or an expanded node is collapsed when a node displaying a minus sign (-) is clicked.
Right-click Displays the Constants menu, to enable you to maintain the selected global constant.
Double-click Expands a collapsed node for the selected global constant, if applicable.

Use the scroll bar to scroll up and down the Global Constants List window, if required.