Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 3 - Defining Classes in Your Own Schema > Using the Methods List Window

Using the Methods List Window

The Methods List window is displayed in the form specified by your Browser options; that is, it is user-specific. The JADE default display of the Methods List window is as follows.

The actions that you can perform by using the mouse from the Methods List window are listed in the following table.

Action Displays…
Click The JADE method code for that method in the editor pane
Right-click The Methods menu, to enable you to maintain a method or add a new method
Double-click A new free-standing editor window for the current method

Use the scroll bar to scroll up and down the Methods List window, if required. For details about defining methods, properties, constants, and conditions, see Chapter 4.

To toggle the display of the Methods List in the current browser (that is, override the Show Methods check box value in the Browser sheet of the Preferences dialog), select the Methods Window command from the View menu. (For details about method options, see "Maintaining Method Options", in Chapter 2.)