Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 3 - Defining Classes in Your Own Schema > Using the Editor Pane

Using the Editor Pane

The editor pane is displayed in the form specified by your editor options; that is, it is user-specific. For details, see "Maintaining the Editor Display" and "Maintaining Editor Options" under "Setting User Preferences", in Chapter 2. Use the editor pane to:

Use the scroll bar to scroll up and down the editor pane, if required.

To toggle the display of the editor pane in the current browser (that is, override the Integrated Editor check box value in the Browser sheet of the Preferences dialog), select the Editor Window command from the View menu.

The JADE installation default display of JADE elements in the editor pane is listed in the following table.

Element Default Display Color
Background Light yellow
Instructions (keywords) Blue
Method elements (for example, vars, on, and epilog) Blue
String and numeric literals Red
Global constants Purple
Primitive, system, and user types Green
Imported packages Green
Interfaces Green
Special characters Black
Debug (breakpoint) line Yellow
Debug step line Light blue
Identifiers (for example, instance variables) Black
Comments and indent guides Dark gray
Edge marker Light blue
Margin and selected text background Light gray
Caret background Light green
Linemarks Light turquoise
Selected text (selection foreground) Transparent
Caret Black