Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 3 - Defining Classes in Your Own Schema > Reorganizing All Schemas that Require Reorganization

Reorganizing All Schemas that Require Reorganization

To reorganize all classes and database files in all user schemas that require reorganization

  1. Select the Reorg command from the Schema menu and then select the Reorg All Schemas command from the submenu that is displayed. The Reorg command and the Reorg All Schemas command on the reorganization submenu are enabled only when a schema is marked for reorganization (indicated by a red light in Schema Needs Reorg toolbar button).

    The Classes Needing Reorg dialog, shown in the following diagram, is then displayed, listing all schemas that are marked for reorganization.

    The database files and their sizes are displayed at the end of the list, to enable you to estimate the potential disk requirements and time that the reorganization requires.

  2. Perform the actions that you require by checking or unchecking the appropriate check boxes.

For details about the other actions that you can perform, see "Reorganizing Your Schema", in the previous section.