Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 3 - Defining Classes in Your Own Schema > Opening a Class, Primitive Types, or Interface Browser

Opening a Class, Primitive Types, or Interface Browser

To open a Class Browser, perform one of the following actions

A Class Browser window is then opened.

More than one Class Browser for a schema can be open at any time. You can also have concurrent open Class Browsers for different schemas in your current development work session.

To open a Primitive Types Browser, perform one of the following actions

A Primitive Types Browser window is then opened.

More than one Primitive Types Browser for a schema can be open at any time. You can also have concurrent open Primitive Types Browsers for different schemas in your current development work session.

To open an Interface Browser

An Interface Browser window is then opened. For details, see "Adding and Maintaining Interfaces", in Chapter 14.

More than one Interface Browser for a schema can be open at any time. You can also have concurrent open Interface Browsers for different schemas in your current development work session.