Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 3 - Defining Classes in Your Own Schema > Finding a Schema, Class, Interface, or Primitive Type

Finding a Schema, Class, Interface, or Primitive Type

The Find command is useful when you:

To locate a schema, a class in the current schema and all of its superschemas, a primitive type, or an interface

  1. Perform one of the following actions from the Schema, Class, Primitive Types, Interface, or Schema Views Browser.

    The Find dialog is then displayed. (For other entity types, the Current Browser and New Browser buttons are replaced by the OK button.)

    This dialog is called the Find Schema dialog when you access it from the Schema Browser and the Find Type dialog when you access it from the Class, Primitive Types, Interface, or Schema Views Browser.

    All user-defined schemas, all classes relevant to the currently selected schema (for example, classes inherited from superschemas), all primitive types, or all interfaces are displayed in the Select Required Entry list box. Classes and interfaces listed in green indicate a class or interface imported into the schema in a package. For details, see Chapter 8, "Using Packages", in the JADE Developer’s Reference.

  2. To select the schema that you want to locate in the Schema Browser, the class that you want to locate in the Class List of the Class Browser or Schema Views Browser, the primitive type that you want to locate in the Primitive Type List of the Primitive Types Browser, or the interface that you want to locate in the Interface List of the Interface Browser, perform one of the following actions.

  3. When you have selected the required schema, primitive type, or interface, click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Current Browser or New Browser button when you have selected the required class.

    In the Class Browser of the schema in which the class is defined, when you select a class from the list of all classes on the Select Required Entry list box and then click the:

    In a Schema View, the Find Type dialog contains all classes relevant to the currently selected schema. If you select a class that is not in the current Schema View, a message box prompts you to confirm that you want to add the class to the Schema View when you click the Current Browser or New Browser button. When you select a class from the list of all classes on the Select Required Entry list box and then click the:

The selected schema, class and any superclasses, primitive type, or interface are then displayed in the respective browser for the current schema. For example, if you selected the MemberKeyDictionary class, the Collection, Btree, and Dictionary superclasses are also displayed, as the MemberKeyDictionary class inherits some of its behavior from its superclasses. (The List and Array collection classes are not included and neither is the Set collection class, as the MemberKeyDictionary class inherits no functionality from these.)