Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 2 - Getting Started > Using Hierarchy Nodes to Navigate around a Browser Window

Using Hierarchy Nodes to Navigate around a Browser Window

Browser windows provide:

In this section, the term node refers only to the hierarchy node that represents a schema element. It does not refer to the client/server term node, which is a physical workstation participating in a particular application.

Nodes can be expanded to show all subitems or they can be collapsed to show a condensed version of the element. An expanded node is displayed with a minus sign (-). A collapsed node that has subitems displays a plus sign (+). A node that has no subitems has no sign.

To collapse an expanded node, perform one of the following actions

To expand a collapsed node

To navigate using nodes

  1. Click on the schema element or its subitem in the browser window.

  2. Select the required function for the selected element; for example, select the New Jade Method command from the Methods menu when you select a class in the Class Browser.

The Class Browser enables you to use the right arrow () key to expand the current class (display subclasses in the next hierarchy level of the selected class) or the left arrow () key to collapse (hide all levels of subclasses in the selected class) the current class.

In addition, you can perform these actions for any class that has subclasses, by using the plus key (+) or minus key (-) on the numeric keypad. Alternatively, use the asterisk key (*) to expand the current class to display all levels of subclasses in the selected class.