Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 2 - Getting Started > Replacing Editor Pane Indentation

Replacing Editor Pane Indentation

If editor options specify that tabs are used for editor pane indentation (that is, the default check mark is displayed in the Use Tabs For Indent check box in the Entry Options group box on the Editor Options sheet of the Preferences dialog), the Edit menu Replace Indent command from the Class, Primitive Types, or Interface Browser enables you to replace leading spaces, if present, with tabs.

Conversely, if editor options specify the use of spaces for editor pane indentation, leading tabs are replaced with spaces.

To replace indentation

The editor pane indentation is then replaced with leading spaces or with tabs, as applicable. You can undo this action. Note, however, that replacing the indentation or undoing the replacement indentation does not save the method source displayed in the editor pane. For details about specifying editor options, see "Maintaining Editor Options", earlier in this chapter.