Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 2 - Getting Started > Maintaining Window Options

Maintaining Window Options

In JADE windows, the various components of your windows are displayed in different colors by default; for example, all superschema objects are displayed in blue and system objects are displayed in red.

To change your default window options

  1. In the Preferences or JADE Installation Preferences dialog, click the Window sheet.

  2. Double-click the component whose default color you want to change. For example, double-click the white panel to the right of Background Color in the Window list to change the default background color for your JADE windows. The common Color dialog is then displayed.

  3. Click on the required color. The selected color is then outlined in black. (This common dialog also enables you to define your own custom color, if required.)

  4. Click the OK button.

    The Preferences or JADE Installation Preferences dialog is then redisplayed, with your selected color displayed beside the component (for example, System Objects) in the Window list and in the object list.

    Repeat steps 2 through 4, to make all your required color display changes.

  5. If you want to save the size and position of windows that you resize or reposition, check the Save Size and Position check box.

    If you have more than one open copy of a window (for example, the Class Browser), only the size and position of the last window to be opened is saved.

  6. If you do not want the toolbar displayed in the JADE window, uncheck the Show Tool Bar check box.

  7. If you do not want to display the status line at the bottom of the JADE window, uncheck the Show Status Line check box.

  8. If you do not want to display bubble help, uncheck the Show Bubble Help check box.

  9. If you want to display the backdrop image on the JADE development environment background form, check the Show Backdrop check box.

  10. If you do not want the Tips dialog displayed when you sign on to the JADE development environment, uncheck the Show Tips At Start-up check box. For details about the Tips dialog, see "Signing On to the JADE Development Environment", earlier in this chapter.

  11. If you want to toggle the display of the JADE release note splash screen when you sign on to the JADE development environment, check or uncheck the Do not show at startup check box.

    The release note splash screen, which displays the major features of the current release and hyperlinks to further information, is displayed:

    Check the Do not show at startup check box on the release note splash screen if you want to suppress the screen display the next time the JADE development environment starts up.

  12. If you want to remove or change the series of images applied to the caption line, menu line, and border areas of each form in the JADE development environment to provide an enhanced look and feel to each form in the current (committed) version, select <None> the skin that you require in the Select JADE Skin drop-down list box.

    The skin can also define images for buttons, JadeMask controls, check boxes, and option buttons to further enhance the look and feel of forms. By default, the blue version skin is used for the current version; that is, Version Current Blue is displayed in this list box.

    As JADE must be able to upgrade existing systems by replacing the JADE system files, you cannot update the skins used by the JADE development environment and you cannot access user-defined skins for deployed applications from the development environment.

    However, you can create your own skin images for definition and maintenance by users of the runtime applications, if required. For details, see "Defining and Maintaining JADE Skins" under "Using JADE Skins in Your Runtime Applications", in Chapter 1 of the JADE Runtime Application Guide. See also Chapter 9, "Using Skins to Enhance JADE Applications", in the JADE Developer's Reference.

  13. Click the Font button if you want to change the default window font from Arial 8.25 point. The common Font dialog is then displayed, to enable you to make your font selections.

    When you have made your font selections, focus is then returned to the Preferences or JADE Installation Preferences dialog.

  14. Click the OK button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

The current window then has focus, and displays your selected preferences.