Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 2 - Getting Started > Creating Context Links to Your Own Application Help File

Creating Context Links to Your Own Application Help File

Creating context links from your JADE application to your own help file is simple. The easiest way to do this is by making use of named destinations that you create in your Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) help document or index entries in your Microsoft Word file, or to a URL.

JADE supports Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) files, Windows help (.hlp) files, compiled help (.chm), and Web-based Hypertext Markup Language (.htm or .html) files in your JADE applications.

If you supply online help for applications that you develop, it is your responsibility to provide the supporting software that enables the display of the appropriate format.

For details, see "Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) Online Help", "Creating Context Links for a Windows Help File", or "Web‑based HyperText markup Language (HTML) Online Help", later in this section.