Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 2 - Getting Started > Contents Displayed in the AutoComplete List Box

Contents Displayed in the AutoComplete List Box

When entering text into a method, the AutoComplete list box is displayed automatically in the following situations.

Situation List Box Contents
Entering an identifier and then . All properties and methods for the type of the identifier. If the next character is uppercase, the list includes all classes, packages, package classes, primitive types, and constants for the type of the identifier.
Entering a class name followed by . All properties, methods, and constants for the class as well as all properties, methods, and constants for the type of the class.
Entering $ followed by an uppercase character The translatable strings for the current schema and superschemas, with the list trimmed to show only those strings that include the entered sequence.
Entering . after a translatable string List of String primitive type methods.
Entering . after a name in a constant value List of constants defined for the class or type.
First alphabetic character entered for an entity All classes, packages, package classes, interfaces, primitive types, global constants, JADE instructions, system variables, and JADE method words.
First character entered for a method parameter after : All classes, packages, package classes, interfaces, and primitive types.
First character entered of the method return type after : All classes, package classes, and primitive types.
First character entered for a variable type definition after : All classes, packages, package classes, interfaces, and primitive types.
First character entered for a method option All method options.
First character entered after a method parameter type Valid parameter usage types (that is, constant, input, io, and output).
First character entered for a constant type definition after : Primitive types.
Entering an identifier followed by :: If the identifier is a package name, the list of entities in the package is displayed. If the identifier is an interface name, the list of entities in the interface is displayed. If the identifier is a class or primitive type, the list of properties, methods, and constants defined for that type are displayed.
First character entered for a constant value after = All classes, interfaces, and global constants.
Entering a c before the vars section Single entry constants.
Identifier followed by a JADE instruction For example, if you are typing the in as part of foreach indx in, it displays the list of JADE instructions.
Next character entered after call List of external function names.

For details about toggling the display of RootSchema entities in the AutoComplete list box, see "Toggling the Display of RootSchema Entities", later in this document.