Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 11 - Internationalization > Maintaining Locales for Your Schema

Maintaining Locales for Your Schema

Use the Locales command from the Schema menu to specify the locale (language) from which you want the forms and strings of a schema to be presented to you at development time. Each schema can support multiple locales (languages), and forms and strings in the schema can be independently translated for each locale.

At run time, applications automatically use the appropriate form and string translations for the current client locale. For example, if a schema supports the French (France) and English (United Kingdom) locales, a user whose current Windows locale is English (United Kingdom) is presented with the English translation of forms and strings for any applications they run from that schema. Similarly, a user whose current Windows locale is French (France) is presented with the French translation of forms and strings.

As inconsistent results could be returned to the application server when running in JADE thin client mode and there are regional overrides, all overrides on the application server are suppressed when the EnhancedLocaleSupport parameter in the [JadeEnvironment] section of the JADE initialization file is set to false. Formatting of locale data is done on the application server, based on the locale of the corresponding presentation client node. When running with enhanced locale support, the locale of the presentation client must be present on the machine running the application server.

When you create a new user schema as a subclass of RootSchema, one locale that matches the current locale of the application server is created. You can then use locale functionality to define other locales. When loading a complete schema definition file, new locales that are in the schema and forms definition files but not in the database are loaded into an existing schema. When loading a partial schema definition file, you must create the new base locales before loading the schema. If you do not do so, the new locales are ignored. For more details, see "Loading Locales", earlier in this chapter.

In the JADE development environment, use the Locale sheet from command to specify the locale from which you want the forms and strings of a schema to be presented to you at development time.

Use the Locales command from the Schema menu to specify the locales that are to be supported by a schema.

To access the Locales dialog

  1. In the Schema Browser, select the schema whose locales you want to specify.

  2. Select the Locales command from the Schema menu.

The Locales dialog, shown in the following diagram, is then displayed.