Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 10 - Extracting and Loading Schemas > Selecting the File or Files to Load

Selecting the File or Files to Load

To specify your load options on the File Selection sheet

  1. Check the Load Multiple Schemas check box if you want to load an extract file containing multiple schemas. A single schema is loaded by default; that is, this check box is unchecked.

    The Multi Extract File Name text box is then displayed instead of the Schema File Name text box, and the Forms File Name text box is disabled. (A multiple schemas extract file itself contains merely a list of extracted files, with each extracted schema having a separate pair of .scm and .ddb files.)

  2. Check the Load Multiple Files check box if you want to load multiple files. A single file is loaded by default; that is, this check box is unchecked.

    The common Open dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the schema files (that is, any combination of .scm, .ddb, .cls, .mth, or .mul files) that you want to load into your JADE database. When you have selected the files from the appropriate directory or directories, click the Open button.

    The Select Multiple File Names text box containing your selected files is then displayed instead of the Schema File Name text box, the Forms File Name text box is disabled, and the Load Order sheet is enabled.

  3. If you are loading a single schema, in the Schema File Name text box, specify the name and location of the schema file that you want to load. You must specify a value in this text box. An error is raised if you do not specify the name of an existing file or if the file cannot be accessed.

    If you are loading multiple schemas from a multiple schemas extract file, in the Multi Extract File Name text box, specify the name and location of the multiple schemas extract file you want to load (with a default .mul file suffix). You must specify a value in this text box. An error is raised if you do not specify the name of an existing file, if the file cannot be accessed, or the extract file and the schema (.scm) and forms (.ddb) files are not located in the same directory. If you are unsure of your file name or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file.

  4. If you are loading a single schema, specify the name and location of the extracted forms file in the Forms File Name text box if you want to load an extracted file containing application forms as a separate transaction in the same load process. An error is raised if the file cannot be accessed.

    Click the Forms File Name text box to display the forms file with the same prefix as the schema file in the text box.

  5. In the Load Style combo box, select the load style, as follows.

    If you want to set the default load style that is selected in the Load Style combo box when the Load Options dialog is displayed, specify the LoadStyleDefault parameter and the optional LoadStyleSecond and LoadStyleThird parameters in the [Jade] section of the JADE initialization file. For details, see your JADE Initialization File Reference.

  6. If you are loading multiple files and you want to specify the order in which the files are loaded, click the tab of the Load Order sheet. For details, see the following section.

  7. If you want to select additional load options (for example, loading checked out methods or changing the target schema), click the Advanced button.

    The Advanced Load Options dialog is then displayed. For details, see "Specifying Advanced Load Options", later in this chapter.