Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 10 - Extracting and Loading Schemas > Loading Your Schema

Loading Your Schema

You can load (install) an extract file into the current schema at any time; for example, when you are:

You can load:

For details about the order in which files should be loaded into a deployed database, see "Before You Get Started", in the JADE Schema Load Utility User’s Guide.

You can load a schema or forms file separately, if required.

A schema view is not set to the current view during the load process. (For details about setting a schema view, see "Setting a Schema View", in Chapter 3.)

If you have mapping logic on subclassed controls, other processes such as the JADE Painter, Translator utility, or the loading of schemas may also execute that logic. The logic therefore may need to perform checks to determine if it is running in the user application environment, to ensure that exceptions are not generated in these other situations.

As schema and forms definition files are treated as binary files, if the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to transfer schema and forms definition files between machines, you must ensure that the transfer is done in binary mode (rather than ASCII) to prevent the removal of carriage return characters and the failure of the schema load process, particularly when schemas are encrypted.

You can also load an external database schema, ActiveX type library, relational view, or an RPS mapping. For details, see "Loading an External Database Schema", in Chapter 3 or "Extracting and Loading ActiveX Schema Definition Data" or "Extracting and Loading .NET Schema Definition Data", in Chapter 16, "Loading a Relational View", in Chapter 9, or "Loading an RPS Mapping", in Chapter 15, respectively. For details about loading an extracted class, method, or extracted JADE Report Writer file in a multiple schemas file (.mul), see "Multiple Schema File Syntax", earlier in this chapter.

If a schema load is attempted when a reorganization is in progress (regardless of whether the reorganization progress dialog is displayed), the load fails. For details about reorganizing schemas, see "Reorganizing Your Schema", in Chapter 3.

The forms definition (.ddb) load process displays a warning message if a control does not have a property reference on the form when handling form translations, the form becomes invalid, and a jommsg.log entry with the following format is output.

******Warning: Control name on form name has no form control reference.

Ensure that the schema (scm) and forms definition (.ddb) files match.