Product Information > JADE Thin Client Guide > Chapter 2 - Running the Application Server and Presentation Clients > Invoking an Application Server

Invoking an Application Server

The command line required to run the application server is as follows.

jadapp AppServerPort=TCP/IP-communications-port-number
       [host=host-server-node-name or host-IP-address]
       [port=host-port-name or host-port-number]
       [name=JADE-initialization file-section-name-identifier]
       [interface=client-TCP/IP-name or client-IP-address]
       [localport=client-port-name or client-port-number]

The app and schema parameters are invalid in an application server command line and you must specify the AppServerPort parameter.

When running JADE thin client applications in multiuser mode, ensure that the TCP/IP port number specified in the jadapp command line AppServerPort parameter is a different port number to that specified for the database server (for example, the jadrap JADE Remote Node Access program).

The database server TCP/IP port number is specified in the ServerNodeSpecifications parameter remote port value in the [JadeClient] section and the NetworkSpecification parameter IP-address value in the [JadeServer] section of the JADE initialization file.

Specify the server parameter only if you want to run the application server in multiuser mode. (If you do not specify the server parameter, the application server runs in single user mode.)

For details about these parameter values, see "Handling Multiple Copies of the JADE Program", in Chapter 1 of the JADE Installation and Configuration Guide.

The following is an example of an application server command line.

R:\Jade_Development\jade\bin\jadapp AppServerPort=1500 server=multiUser path=r:\jade_development\jade\system ini=r:\jade\system\test\myjade.ini host=devsrvr38 port=6015 localport=6099